I Have Questions About A Charge From MarketplaceKit


  1. How to get a refund?

    You’re able to issue a full or partial refund on any order, and refunds are always free of charge.

    PayPal refunds typically re-appear in a customer’s account within 48 hours of requesting a refund.

    Refunds via credit card typically take 3-5 working days to credit back into a customer’s account.


    Some payment methods impose limits on what transactions you’re able to refund, for example, PayPal who will only allow you to offer a refund on transactions less than 60 days old.

    If you’re unable to refund a particular order or have questions about the above, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team here.

  2. How to get an invoice or receipt?

    Every product that you purchase will come with a receipt. You will also be emailed by Marketplacekit every time you make a purchase.

  3. How to cancel the account?

    You can often find a dedicated account page on the website from where you can manage your subscription or you can contact the support team directly for any query.