NOTICE - Temporarily Paused!

We have temporarily paused custom builds. If you would like a custom build, we will add you to a waiting list. Thank you for understanding.
Small changes
Tasks from the service catalog
Custom layout/structure
Custom profile, listing page
3 day turnaround
Fixed flat rate
Minimum Viable Product
10 day development cycle
Fixed flat rate
Dedicated Project Manager
Large Project
from $15,000
Completely custom marketplace
5 weeks development time
Fixed flat rate quote
Dedicated Project Manager

More info

Building your own custom marketplace

The custom build solution is ideal for users who need a unique marketplace and have a clear idea of how the marketplace should work.

This solution involves our team building extra functionality and/or design work using the MarketplaceKit platform. We have experts in blockchain integration, custom payments methods, data migration, single sign-on integration, branding matching and more.

A member of our team works with you closely and sends you daily updates to ensure everything is going as you expect. There'll be a dedicated contact for the duration of the project.

The pricing for custom development depends on functionality required, design work, the level of traffic, service and support needs. Please contact us and our team will provide a better understanding of the pricing options.

Examples of a custom marketplace:

  1. A Blockchain marketplace
  2. A Marketplace integrated in existing software, e.g. booking salon software
  3. A GPS based mobile app
Need smaller changes? Browse the service catalog for a list of common tasks and prices

How we do things:

Step 1

Understand & identify your goals of the marketplace

Step 2

Set-up & build any custom functionality you require


Step 3

Customize the layout & apply your branding and styles

Step 4

Test & launch your marketplace