How To Set Up A Custom Header

First, log in to your website’s panel. You can access your site’s panel in two ways.

  1. Click on the wrench icon on the navbar.


  1. Click on your name and from the dropdown, click on “Admin Panel”.

go to admin panel

You will now be redirected to the site’s admin panel. There, click on “Addons” on the side panel.


You will be redirected to the add-ons page. You can see a bunch of pre-installed add-ons there. Now, find the “HTML Editor” add-on and click on its “Settings”.

HTML editor

By default, it will redirect you to “Auth/Checkout” tab, click on “Layout” to switch to the layouts tab.

layout editor

There, you can define your site’s logo height, logo width, hide/show search in the navbar, hide/show navbar on the browse page, change the navbar text, navbar background, navbar width and even make it stick to the top of every page. Tweak around the settings to your liking and click on “Submit”.


Now, if you refresh the site, you can see the changes you applied to the site’s header.

final header