How To Add A Bookable Date - For Room/Spaces/Rent Bookings

MarketplaceKit comes with several pricing models already set-up for different listings. One of these pricing models is the “Book Room” pricing model with “Book a date” widget pre-assigned to it.

Book Room

To add a bookable date for your listings, first, you need to assign the “Book Room” pricing model to a category. Go to Categories(""). There, either add a new category or edit the existing one. Set its "Seller listing type" to "Rent room" since this is the default seller label assigned to “Book Room” pricing model. Click “Submit” to save your changes.

Rent Room

Now, let’s try adding a new listing to see an example. Click on “Post listing” and select the category you just assigned the “Book Room” pricing model to. For this preview, we named the category “Rent room”.

post listing

Then, since we’ve already set the Listing type for this category to “Rent room”, we will see only one option; “Book Room” under Listing type.

Click on it and you will be asked to add a title and a description for the listing. Fill them up and click on “Create & Continue”.

listing type

You will be redirected to the edit page. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can see additional options of setting minimum and maximum rent period under “Pricing information” tab. Add the values(nights) of your liking, and click on “Publish”.

pricing information

Once your listing is published, you will be able to select a date range for the period you want to rent the room for.


This pricing model is also suitable if you want to let people rent other stuff besides rooms.