User Search
Search for members by role and location
" User Search" allows the website visitors to search for a particular user on the site. Using this addon, they can search for the user and then visit their profile where they can view all the listings listed by that particular user.
Marketplacekit comes with an add-on called "User Search". This add-on lets you search for members by their role and location. With the help of this add-on, you can easily search the members according to their location, role and name.
1. Search user easily:
The "User Search" add-on lets you search for the marketplace members easily without any hassle. With this feature, you can find the user profile where you can see all the listings posted by that particular user.
2. Search user by role and location:
With the help of this addon, a visitor can easily search for a particular user just with their role and location. This comes in handy especially when they don't know the name of the particular user and want to search for the nearest user for convenience.
Who should use this addon?
This addon is useful for those users who want to get the best service providers within their area and who fit the criteria they're looking for.
User Search allows the site uses get the best service provider within their area or who fits their requirements. The users can search for other users who are providing the service/product they're looking for.
Why use this?
User Search makes it more convenient and fast for the buyers to get the best facility, service, or product from the users they chose.
Use Cases:
- It can help the buyers get the best service providers in their local area.
- The buyers can first evaluate the sellers from their profile, and then buy any kind of product or services from that particular seller.
- It will eventually lead to a safer browsing experience for all users.
How it works
To enable this add-on, first, log in to your panel "" and click on "Addons".
Then, find the "User Search" add-on and enable it if it's not. Once enabled, click on its Settings or type "/panel/addons/usersearch" in the address bar. You will be redirected to the following page.
Check the checkboxes in front of "Enable location search" and "Enable name search" if you want them both enabled.
You can also specify which Member types can be searched for using this add-on. Once you're done with the settings, click "Submit".
You can now search for the members on your site by going to ""
- Easy to implement.
- No coding required.
- Easily search users with name and location filtering.
Please make sure you have a basic knowledge of Composer, Laravel and NPM before proceeding.
You must also have a working installation of MarketplaceKit. After your purchase, you will get 6 months access to a git repo from where you can download and install the package.
To install this package run
composer require marketplacekit/usersearch
Then activate the addon in the admin panel.

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