Homepage Widgets
Customize your homepage with widgets, latest listings, categories and more.
Marketplacekit offers a variety of Homepage widgets to use on your site. These widgets can be used to align the important content you want to show your customers on the homepage. You can even customize the widgets you want to be displayed on the homepage.
Homepge widgets make it easy for the site users to easily access the listings or the content they want to view. Your customers can easily access the important sections you highlight or keep on the homepage directly without the hassle of searching or browsing anywhere other than your homepage.
1. Ease at editing:
Homepage widgets are easy to use and implement. You don't need to have any knowledge of coding. But, if you know basic coding, it is a plus. The homepage widgets are very simple and self-explanatory. You will find it easy to use and edit.
2. Easy access for customers:
Once you've set the homepage widgets, your customers won't have to go through the hassle of following various steps to access the listings. You can easily display the top listings, featured listings, listing categories all on the homepage itself. This way, it will be easier for your customers to find the famous and featured listings on your site. Not only this, but you can also showcase your company's brand on the homepage by using the video and image widgets pre-installed on Marketplacekit.
Who should use this addon?
This addon is useful for those who don't know to code or know very little coding. This addon helps the marketplace owner arrange the sections on their homepage according to their liking. The marketplace owner can also add/edit the addons according to their liking.
"Homepage widgets" let the marketplace owner design and set the homepage of their marketplace as their liking. They can set the widgets and their orders on the homepage with the help of this addon. The homepage widgets make the site look visually appealing as well as grants the user easy access to the listings, features, and categories on the site.
Why use this?
Homepage widgets help your site become visually appealing to the users. Besides this, the content of your site will be easily accessible to the customers and will also remove the hassle of searching for the listings one-by-one.
Use Cases:
- You can use Homepage widgets to make your site visually appealing.
- With the help of Homepage widgets, your customers will be able to easily find the top and featured listings on your marketplace.
- Homepage widgets also let the marketplace owner showcase their best selling points on the homepage.
How it works
To customize homepage using "Homepage Widgets" add-on, log in to your panel and click on "Addons"
There, you will see a list of add-ons available and click on "Settings" under "Homepage widgets".
You will be redirected to a new page.
You can see the list of homepage widgets on this page. All of the widgets have the same options.
Widgets available
1. Buy, Sell & Explore:
This is the widget that appears on top of your homepage. You can edit this widget by clicking on the edit icon beside it.
The default type of this widget is "HERO". "HERO" widget means that you can search listings by typing their names. You can also set its type to "HERO GEO" to enable search by location.
You can also change the background theme from the options "light, dark and white". You can even add inline CSS styling using the "Advanced Inline CSS styling" tab.
2. Latest Listings:
This widget will display the latest listings listed on your site.
3. Categories:
This widget will display the categories of the listings on the homepage of your site.
4. Popular Listings:
This widget will display the popular listings on your site.
5. Why should you join us?:
This widget displays the features of your marketplace.
6. Featured Categories:
This widget displays the featured categories on your homepage.
7. Featured Listings:
This widget displays the featured listings(the ones that you've added to spotlight).
8. Category Gallery:
This widget displays the categories in the form of an image gallery on the homepage. But to use it, you first need to add the images you want to display on the categories on "yourdomain.com/panel/categories".
9. Video:
This widget displays the video you want to display on the homepage.
- Easy to use.
- Easy to implement.
- Coding knowledge not needed.
- Easy to customize.
Please make sure you have a basic knowledge of Composer, Laravel and NPM before proceeding.
You must also have a working installation of MarketplaceKit. After your purchase, you will get 6 months access to a git repo from where you can download and install the package.
To install this package run
composer require marketplacekit/homepagewidgets
Then activate the addon in the admin panel.

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